Sahaja Yoga Australia

Update about the Australian Sahaj Primary School Project

Dear Family,

Jai Shri Mataji!

Please see an update from the Life Eternal Education Board regarding…

  • Pledges and the various options for starting a Sahaja primary school in Australia.
  • How to make a Pledge.
  • A beautiful new website with details about the school project.
  • Invitation to join the WhatsApp group to chat with board members, parents and other yogis participating in the project.  

Kind regards

Dear Sahaj Family,
Once more, we would like to provide you with an update on Life Eternal Education (LEE) and the efforts to establish a Sahaj school in Australia. 

The 2 month time frame for making pledges ended on 15th June 2022.  In that invitation for pledges, there was a dual request being to:

  1. Provide funds for a potential purchase of a suitable property or for putting buildings onto an existing property, and
  2. To cover the board’s running costs to engage expert consultant’s advice and reports etc. 
    We are happy and very thankful to report the results for those two pledges.  The first pledge provided $580,000 and the second $39,000 from 75 yogis/families.

This shows us that the purchase of any new property (such as the Warwick property) for use as a school is out of our reach without some very large additional donations and indicates that we need to look for other solutions.  

In summary, our current situation is:

 1. NEW: We are in initial conversations with an established, small, regional school in NSW whose principal is a Yogini. If viable, this will be a day-school option. Ideally, we will then need to seek out a house nearby where an ashram can be established for yogi children to board with dorm staff – this arrangement is similar to how Cabella school first started. This currently seems the most viable option and there will be more information coming out about it.
2. HIAWATHA: is still a candidate, and if we are to proceed with this option, we will need the support of the Victorian Collective, also shire council approvals will need to be sought and innovative solutions on how the property is used would have to be planned. We have had advice from one of the government regulatory agencies for education that dual usage of a property for collective use and a school premises is entirely achievable provided that the process and protocols needed to ensure the wellbeing of the children and the school itself are in place and enforced.
3. WARWICK: While a considerable amount of the infrastructure already established, this option will cost approx. $2 million to purchase – which is outside our budget. Unless we have a large donation or we have a group of yogis privately purchase the property, this is currently the least affordable option.
The LEE board continues to look at all the options for starting a Sahaja school in Australia and we look forward to discussing this with the Sahaj collective at the appropriate time when we have more information about the new option.  Above all we are focussing on finding the right setting that will provide for the development of the young minds, bodies and subtle systems of our children in a Sahaj environment.  We continue to seek your support and patience as we work towards achieving the best outcome for both Sahaj Yogis and the school project.

Still would like to make a pledge?

Thank you all for your collective and individual support for this project.  Please note that any additional pledges can still be made using the link below. We will advise shortly on when we would be likely to call on either pledge to be converted to a donation.

To make a Pledge, visit the School Pledge Form.

Join our WhatsApp group

If you’d like to chat, or have any suggestions, please just give one of the board members a call , email  or message on the WhatsApp group.

Please join the School’s WhatsApp group here.

New School Website

We would like to share our new school project website! You will be able to keep up to date with the latest news, developments and pledges. 

Please visit the website at


Please keep this project in your bandhans and loving attention so Mother can work through all of us! 

With love and thanks,
Life Eternal Education Board
Colin Berry
Daniel Firth
Sue Nickson
Kanak Nicolai
Debbie Miller
Jo Salomon



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