Sahaja Yoga Australia

Collecting Seekers’ Email Addresses

Collecting Seekers’ Email Addresses at Sahaja Yoga Events

Keeping in touch with Seekers

One of the best ways we can keep in touch with seekers who attend our events is to collect their email addresses. We can then follow-up with news about events for their local area plus online meditations and webcasts through our national new people’s email database. We currently have over 11,500 people in the database.

Methods to collect email addresses

There are 3 methods you can use to collect seekers’ email addresses, see below.

The forms referred to below are available here:

  • ‘Email Collection Sheet’  Seekers enter their email and contact details on this sheet. Used in Methods No: 2 and No: 3 below. 
  • ‘Email database Upload Spreadsheet’ Yogis transfer emails from the above collection sheet to this Spreadsheet and then submitted it to be uploaded to our Email database. See Used in Method No: 3 below. 

Method No: 1 – Subscribe seeker directly to our Database
This is the quickest method and ensures the collected email address is validated straightaway.

If you have an internet connection at the event then use a mobile phone, tablet or computer and ask the seeker to enter their details directly to our email subscription form which is located on our website at

When a seeker subscribes directly, they will receive a confirmation email within a few minutes with the details they entered plus more information about our online resources. An example confirmation email is can be seen here.

You can also access the above website by scanning the QR code below with your mobile device.

Method No: 2 – Collect email address and then Subscribe seeker later.
Use our ‘Email Collection Sheet’ and ask the seeker to enter their email and contact details on the sheet. Later, you can subscribe the seeker on their behalf using the above website. The seeker will receive a confirmation emails with the details you entered.

You need to ensure the details entered by the seeker is legible, especially their email address. A clipboard and using a black pen would be handy!

Method No: 3 – Collect email address and then transfer to Database upload sheet.
This is the least preferred method as it is time consuming and there is no way of validating the email address after the event.

As in Method No 2, use our ‘Email Collection Sheet’ and ask the seeker to enter their email and contact details on the sheet. Later, you need to transfer the information from the collection sheet to our ‘Email database Upload Spreadsheet’. Ensure the email address is accurately transferred to the spreadsheet. Then email the Upload Spreadsheet to [email protected] . We will use the spreadsheet to upload the collected emails to our Email database.


Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions.