Sahaja Yoga Australia

National Food Handling

Food Handling

Jai Shri Mataji!

Dear Australian Family,

Food handling training helps to ensure that meals served to the collective are prepared in safe, hygienic conditions minimising the chances of illness. Should we experience any health incidents, the relevant authorities and our insurers would need to verify our records of food handling, including our training records. Please see the link to the training modules below.

HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Training modules

To make it easier, we now have the training online to make it is easily accessible for you to complete your training. Training modules have been created for the Child Protection and Food Handling training. Each modules should take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

Each training module has three sections:

  • Section A: The training, including a talk by Shri Mataji.
  • Section B: A review of the information with questions (answers are provided for verification).
  • Section C: Register that you have participated in the training.

We ask that every new and established Yogi regularly do the following training module: