Sahaja Yoga Australia

South Australia

South Australia

23th May 2023

By Shri Mataji’s grace, the South Australian Collective has found and purchased an ideal and unique property in an area close to the town of Murray Bridge, 77km from Adelaide. It is a 2,500sqm plot of land within a new subdivision located at Lot 11 Swanport Height, Murray Bridge.

The area has residential zoning so we will need to build a simple domestic dwelling which will become the permanent home for H.H. Shri Mataji and our collective Ashram in Adelaide.

Once the Ashram is completed, we will invite yogis from around Australia to come to visit, and possible live. The new Ashram will have a large living area for Pujas and collective events which will cater for the needs of a growing South Australian Collective.

Read the full news here

SA collective vibrating the new property