Sahaja Yoga Australia

Invitation to National Easter Puja Seminar Victoria

Invitation to National Easter Puja Seminar Victoria

Wellness Camp
Monday 6th to Friday 10th April 2020
Easter Puja Seminar
Friday 10th to Monday 13th April 2020
HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi’s Hiawatha Ashram
904 Albert River Road Hiawatha Victoria
(Google map)

Dear Yogis,

Jai Shri Mataji!

We invite all our dear brothers and sisters to the National Easter Puja and Seminar to be celebrated at HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi’s Hiawatha Ashram, Victoria.

A Wellness Camp will also be held at Hiawatha Ashram prior to the Puja weekend for those who wish participate in deeper clearing, balancing and meditation sessions.

This year the Easter Seminar will be co-hosted by the Victorian and ACT Collectives.

“He was created as an egg. It is written in this book, which perhaps was written 14,000 years back. It’s a book that predicts about Christ and that is why people in the West, at Easter especially, offer an egg to each other as a friend.”
Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi –  Easter Puja 1982, London

We look forward to hosting lots of our brothers and sisters and sharing a wonderful time during Easter. It really is such a precious opportunity for all of us to spend time together so let’s make the most of it!

All the information you need about attending this Auspicious event is below.

With Love from Lyn, Andre, Colin, Mayank, Reza and Kamlesh on behalf of the Australian Council and the Victorian and ACT Collectives

Easter Seminar Website

Please use the link below to visit our Easter Seminar Website for further details about the Puja weekend, Wellness Camp, costs, how to get to Hiawatha and the Registration Form.

Quick links to Website

  • Registration Form – Please confirm your attendance as early as possible to assist us preparations for the Puja Seminar.
  • Website – Invitation to Seminar.
  • Wellness Camp – Overview and program.
  • Hiawatha – Getting to Hiawatha Ashram in Victoria.
  • Devotional – Our spiritual preparation for Easter Puja.
  • Weather – Current and forecast weather in Hiawatha Victoria.
  • Contact us – If you have any questions please contact us.

“Today we are here to worship Christ as He was resurrected from dead.”

1991-0331 Easter Puja Talk, Sydney, Australia

1991-0331 Easter Puja Talk, Sydney, Australia

Easter Puja 31st March 1991 Sydney
“Today we are here to worship Christ as He was resurrected from dead. There are lots of theories about His death, but actually He resurrected Himself and then He went down to India and settled there with His Mother. After period of His resurrection is not described in any books, as such, but in one of the Puranas written about Shalivana, one of the kings of the dynasty I belong to, has met Christ in Kashmir and he asked Him, “What’s your name?” He said “My name is Issa.” And then he asked Him also that “from which country you come, which place?” He said, “I come from a country which is foreign to you and to Me and now I’m here in my own country.” That’s how He appreciated, I think, the Indian thing. And then He used to cure people there and his tomb is there and His Mother’s tomb also is there.”
 HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Easter Puja 31st March 1991 Sydney

(Full Transcript with Video & Audio)