Sahaja Yoga Australia

Video now available from Establishing Self Realisation & the Chakras webcast

Video recording from Live Stream now available below

Establishing Your Self-Realisation & Knowledge of the Chakras

Held on Thursday 30th May 2019 • 6PM to 7PM (Sydney time)
(Find your local time)

Dear Family,

Jai Shri Mataji!

Live online

Please join us online for our next public live stream this Thursday evening (Sydney time) from Burwood Ashram. The program is aimed at our Australian and International audience. See online promotions below.

We’ll be covering the importance of nurturing our Self Realisation and how regular meditation strengthens the awakened mothering Kundalini energy to bring about mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing. Session will include more information about the Chakras and guided meditations.


Newcomers can view our previous webcast to learn more about Self Realisation before joining this webcast. See recording of previous webcast here.

Establishing Self Realisation and the Chakras - Sahaja Yoga Meditation

Establishing Self Realisation and the Chakras – Sahaja Yoga Meditation

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With Love,
Andre and Lyn on behalf of your Australian Councillors