Sahaja Yoga Australia

Event on Sahaja Marriages – Sharing Experiences/Overcoming Challenges

Event on Sahaja Marriages
Sharing Experiences/Overcoming Challenges

Sunday 3rd July 2022

Dear Family,

Jai Shri Mataji!

As follow-up to the email sent on 16th June 2022, here’s a reminder about the event and the Zoom links to join in the workshop and discussions for the forthcoming marriages in Cabella. (See original message.)

We hope that this initiative will contribute to successful Sahaja Marriages and many will participate. 

Shri Mataji – English Weddings 1980 London


Dear brothers and sisters,

We are looking forward to the informal workshops for marriage applicants and interested yuvas on Sahaja Marriages that will take place on

Cabella time – Sunday, 3rd July, 3pm to 5pm
Sydney time – Sunday 3rd July, 11pm to 1am

Thank you very much to all of you who have provided feedback. Brothers and sisters married in sahaja will address the topics and share with all of you their experiences in hopes that you can take away some tips, comfort and / or guidance as to how the Divine takes us through this journey of spiritual growth.
The workshop will start with a meditation, followed by the panelists sharing of experiences and some time to address questions and answers.
Here are the links:
Ladies Marriage Workshop
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 879 7199 5039
Passcode: 206652

Men Marriage Workshop
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 898 9764 9804
Passcode: 1008
Jai Shri Mataji!!!!
With love from the hosting ashrams of Buenos Aires and Rome 

(Originally message sent on 16th June 2022)

Dear family,
As in the previous year, we would like to organize an informal online workshop on Sahaja Marriages to take place on Sunday 3rd July 2022, 3pm to 5pm Cabella time (1am Sunday 4th July Syd time – a recording will be available)

This event will include a meditation and a discussion where Sahaja Yogis and Yoginis will share their personal experiences, including challenges that they managed to overcome. The aim is to keep putting enlightened attention on the marriages and, through a heart-to-heart conversation, make the applicants feel the love and support of the collective family.
For practical purposes, there will be two parallel events (one for the Yogis and the other for the Yoginis, hosted respectively by the English and Argentinian collectives).  The events are open to current applicants for Sahaj marriages and Yuva Shakti in general (as future applicants). The IMC has been alerted of this initiative, and they fully support it.

As much as possible, we would like to prepare a workshop that is tailored to the needs of the current generation of applicants. We therefore would like to ask participants, and Yuva Shaktis in general, to fill in the below survey form:

Survey Form

Attendees will not be asked to speak or be on camera, so that those that do not wish to disclose the fact that they are applying can feel safe.

The links to the events will be shared soon.  

We hope to see you soon!
With love
Ashrams of London and Buenos Aires 

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