Sahaja Yoga Australia
Update on Adelaide Ashram Project

Update on Adelaide Ashram Project

/ National, SA
Our offer to purchase the hall/community church at 67 Onkaparinga Valley Road, Woodside for the Adelaide centre has not worked out.
Adelaide Ashram & National Fundraising Appeal

Adelaide Ashram & National Fundraising Appeal

/ National, SA
By HH Shri Mataji's Divine Grace, our offer of $405,000 was accepted by the owners of the hall at 67 Onkaparinga Valley Road, Woodside! We thank you all for your continued attention on this most significant project.
Update on search for Adelaide Ashram & National Fundraising Appeal

Update on search for Adelaide Ashram & National Fundraising Appeal

/ National, SA
The Adelaide Collective have found a property which is ideal for a Centre for the Collective and an offer was placed yesterday. The owners are asking around $450,000 for the property and we have raised around $200,000 so far ($100,000 from Adelaide Collective donations & $100,000 from national donations).
National Fundraising Appeal - Adelaide Ashram

National Fundraising Appeal – Adelaide Ashram

/ National, SA
The Adelaide Collective have earnestly continued their search for HH Shri Mataji's South Australian Ashram. A 2.5 acre country property 62km south of Adelaide has been located and it is felt, by the Adelaide Collective, SA Council and National Coordinators that this is an ideal property for an Ashram.