Sahaja Yoga Australia

Thank you Shri Mataji for the grant from NSW State Government

Dearest Family,

Jai Shri Mataji!

On this wonderful Easter Monday, we share the amazing and truly significant news that Sahaja Yoga Australia has been successful in being awarded a $50,000 grant from the NSW Government to assist with bushfire recovery at our Balmoral Ashram!

We firstly thank Her Holiness Shri Mataji from the bottom of our hearts for arranging this amazing situation.

This grant is in addition to the $50,000 already awarded by the Commonwealth Bank which means we have been granted a total of $100,000 in funds to support Sahaja Yoga for the recovery of Balmoral!

HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Easter Puja Shudy Camps UK 1988

We sincerely express our thanks to our Trustees Chris, Hari and Craig and all Yogis who assisted with preparing for these grant applications. 

Due to the rigorous nature of such government grant applications, this $50,000 grant is especially significant in demonstrating a clear indication of support from the Government for Sahaja Yoga in Australia. This is a significant step forward for Life Eternal Trust Australia and a recognition of  the  work of Sahaja Yoga as an organisation worthy of the sponsorship of our Government so that we may continue with our engagement with the community.

We take this opportunity to thank Services NSW and the NSW State Government on behalf of Life Eternal Trust Australia for the sum of $50,000.

Our Balmoral Ashram restoration project will now move forward in a timely manner. From this NSW Government grant $25,000 will be used to purchase a kit shed for Balmoral Ashram. 
We look forward to sending you positive reports on the progress of the Balmoral Ashram restoration Project. Thank you again to everyone involved in both grant applications.
Lyn and Andre on behalf of your Australian Council

“That on a Easter Sunday you’re an egg and on the Easter Monday you are the bird.”

“In Sanskrit language we call a bird as dwijaha, means born again and a Brahmin, the one who has known the power of Brahma, the power of God’s love, is called also dwijaha. Dwija, means the one who is born again. Now a bird is first is an egg and then it becomes a bird. That’s why you’ll be surprised that Christ when He was crucified and when He was resurrected on the Easter day it is to show that a person leaves this material body and becomes the Spirit. Resurrection is the message of Christ which is a very great thing He achieved because He was nothing but Himself the Brahma, the Chaitanya, Omkara, what you call the word. So that’s why He could achieve that thing. 

It’s all written about Him in Indian Scriptures. You have to go out to see all these things, what is the thing written about Christ. Bible cannot contain Him within Himself and the four years life that He led in this misery is not representative of His whole background. If you have to know about His background you have to read some books which were written fourteen thousand years back. They have told about that. So when He resurrected what we do, we present an egg on the Easter Sunday. What does that mean? That on a Easter Sunday you’re an egg and on the Easter Monday you are the bird. But we don’t know, we do it just automatically without understanding why we give those eggs to people. This is what we have to understand. Even to understand Bible we have to be self-realized, even to understand the life of Christ which was just so great we have to be realised.”
HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Public Program, Middlesbrough, UK, 31 July 1984

 “It was a Easter Monday when I got married that day”

“So, thank you very much for the greetings on this day. It was a Easter Monday when I got married that day, and also My baptism took place on Easter Monday. But you know our Easter Monday always changes according to the Monday it comes.”
HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Farewell Talk, Burwood Ashram, Sydney, Australia, 7 April 1994