Sahaja Yoga Australia

Mother’s Day 2020 & “Knowing your inner Mother”

Mother’s Day 2020


“Knowing your inner Mother”

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Dear Family,

Jai Shri Mataji!


We wish the Mother of all the Mothers, Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, a very Happy Mother’s Day 2020

Thank you again and again Shri Mataji for all Your love and attention and blessings.

Mother with Child

“…you really had to be worked out through the Mother’s principle.”

“Today I like the day when it is the Mother’s, I should say, Mother’s Day also. Because I think only a mother can work it out that way. One has to have a lot of patience with people. What I have seen with all these great incarnations who came, They just disappeared, in a very short time They lived, very short time. Somebody was crucified about 33 years of age, somebody took a samadhi at 23 years of age, because I think They couldn’t bear the way people were stupid. They couldn’t see the point that they could do something for human beings. They lost their confidence, I think, or maybe that They thought, “It’s useless to work for these people.” Like that, They took a position that – is better to disappear.

But Mother’s position is different. She’ll go on struggling and fighting for Her child. She’ll fight it out to the last to see that the child gets all the benefits and this patience and this love and this forgiveness is innately built-in in a mother, because Her attitude is very different. Not any achievement, not any big name or what you call a sort of an award or anything. It is just She does it because She is a Mother. And that is what is the sign of any mother, if she is a real mother, at least for her own children, she will go all out, she will work out everything for day in day out and to save the child from disaster. But Sahaja Yoga is a much bigger family and for that you really had to be worked out through the Mother’s principle. You cannot take any other principle. …”
(HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Sahasrara Puja, Mother’s Day 1998)

“Because the love is like an ocean…”

“In Divine love there is no expectations, it just flows, it doesn’t think how to judge a person or what to do for a person, it just flows. And most of the people enjoy that, most. Some of them might take advantage, but makes no difference to the Mother. Because the love is like an ocean, and because this love makes the Mother very humble, everything flows to the Mother it flows.

You see Mother Earth now, you see, see how much she does for us, without any expectations, but if you try to be unkind, try to be cruel, materialistic very much, then she acts according to the wishes of Shiva – not the Mother. She destroys such people. All the five elements are like that. All the destruction forces that we have in those five elements, can be used by Shiva principle. Shiva watches the work of the Mother, and to a great extent He blesses also (unclear). But if He finds that people are getting away from reality, from Divinity, from goodness, from benevolence, then He gets annoyed and He punishes in His own cruel manner (of things – unclear). It’s a very different role from that of the Mother. So He doesn’t consult even Mother about it. He gets angry and really it is something very sad sometimes, we find people get lost because of His anger.

So to remain under the love of Mother is the best safest thing, because She expects nothing and She tries to solve your problems because She loves you without any anger, whatever you may do to Her She doesn’t take a respite, revenge…”
(HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Mother’s Day Cabella, 2001)

The Mother is everything

”The Mother is everything — She is our consolation in sorrow, our hope in misery, and our strength in weakness. She is the source of love, mercy, sympathy, and forgiveness. And this Earth is the Mother of
the trees and flowers. It produces them, nurses them, and weans them. The trees and flowers become kind mothers of their great fruits and seeds. And the Mother, the prototype of all existence, is the Eternal
Spirit, full of beauty and love. “ 
(Kahlil Gibran -” Broken Wings”, trans. Anthony R. Ferris, Citadel Press, 1962)


“Knowing your inner Mother”

Public Program Sunday 10th May 2020

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