Sahaja Yoga Australia

‘Moments of Beauty’ Prayer & Video – Reflections of India Tour 2018

Dear Sahaj Family,

Jai Shri Mataji!

Please enjoy this Prayer and short video of a Yogini’s experience of the recent India Tour.

Moments of Beauty - India Tour 2018

Moments of Beauty – India Tour 2018

‘Moments of Beauty’ – Reflections of India Tour 2018 (Duration 1min:43secs)

‘Moments of Beauty’

As the tiredness begins to fade, moments of beauty begin to flood the attention; how one glimpse of the Himalayas would render me thoughtless, dancing joyfully with new seekers at the public programs, the hundreds of hands of newly realised souls reaching for the sky trying to touch God, standing in the waters of Nargol with my brothers and sisters reciting the Ganesha Artharva Sheesha, winding our way through the predawn streets towards Saptashringi, the cool cleansing waters of the Krishna River, the feeling of total love and protection at Pratishtan.

Shri Mataji, You were everywhere …in the sweet, strong singing voices of Music of Joy, in the hand that helped me up when I could not stand alone, in the shy smiles of my Indian brothers and sisters, in the infinite wisdom of the Yuva Shakti, in the laughter, the compassion for each other, the moments of synchronicity.

Thank You Shri Mataji for allowing me to see through the Maya. I wish this for everyone in the world. I wish for them to know You as we know You.

There is nothing else.

Jai Shri Mataji!

Andre and Lyn

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