Sahaja Yoga Australia

Marriage Ceremony in Cabella – Shri Ganesha Puja 2019

Dear Yogis,

Jai Shri Mataji!

We are forwarding to you the application for Sahaja Yoga Marriages in Cabella this year at the time of the Shri Ganesha Puja Seminar. The application form includes advice on the principles, protocols and importance of Marriages in Sahaja Yoga.

If you are interested in being considered for a Sahaja Yoga marriage this year please complete the application form and then talk to a Councillor in your State. Applications will need to be forwarded by us on your behalf to Cabella by the end of July.

(Shri Ganesha Puja and Marriages will be held in Cabella on 7th & 8th September 2019)

“Marriage is an auspicious occasion”

“Marriage is an auspicious occasion, is the most auspicious occasion in the life of human beings. It is auspicious, that’s why it’s joy giving and the vibrations flow with that auspiciousness all over the world. […] Marriage is meant to give joy, is meant to give cheerfulness, happiness and all the blissful things that you can think of achieving through our combinations with two human beings. […] You have to bring glory to the system of marriages because it is the system established by God Almighty. Not by human beings, it’s a wrong idea. It is established by God Almighty to have an auspicious occasion, where such an auspicious thing is taken. The sacredness of this is to be maintained…”
H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 1981 “Marriage is meant to give Joy”, UK

Lyn and Andre on behalf of your Australian Councillors