Sahaja Yoga Australia

Happy New Year 2020!

Dear Family

Jai Shri Mataji!!

Wishing you all a joyous New Year!

HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, New Year Puja, Vaitarna, India, 31 December 2002

On this new year, let us all promise to Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi that throughout 2020 we will give Self Realisation to many people. We will ask ourselves regularly how many people have we given Realisation? What have we achieved for Sahaja Yoga?

We will dedicate this body, this brain, all our health, everything, to saving people. We will assume our role as Sahaja Yogis and give Realisation to people.

Let’s each and every one of us promise to fill the year 2020 in Australia with so many Sahaja Yogis who have done so much work and who have achieved something great to please Her Holiness Shri Mataji, Sakshat Shri Adi Shakti, who is the Ultimate Doer of all deeds that are done, are being done and will be done.

Andre and Lyn on behalf of your Australian Council

“Firstly, you must spread Sahaja Yoga. How many people have you brought to Sahaja Yoga?”


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New Year’s Eve Puja, ‘You Should Be Satisfied Within’ Kalwa India 31st December, 2001

“Firstly, you must spread Sahaja Yoga. How many people have you brought to Sahaja Yoga? Just think of it! We are Sahaja Yogis – Sahaja Yogis means what? You are saints! In this world all the saints who became saints, with very great difficulty, going through lots of tortures, have done so much work. One single saint has so many people whom they have attracted. Of course he couldn’t give them Realisation, because I have taught you how to do that. But you just find out what are you doing about Sahaja Yoga.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – New Year’s Eve Puja, ‘You Should Be Satisfied Within’ Kalwa India 31st December, 2001
(Transcript, Video & Audio)