Sahaja Yoga Australia

Happy Akshaya Tritiya 2018!

Dear Family,

Happy Akshay Tritya 2018!

(Image – Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahastrara Puja 3rd May 1987, Thredbo, Australia)

Akshaya (signifying eternal) Tritiya is an auspicious day in the calendar as a day to begin new ventures.

So this is a great day to take action on one of those many amazing ideas HH Shri Mataji blesses us all with that will help Sahaja Yoga and the culture of the spirit!

Jai Shri Mataji!


Lyn & Andre on behalf of your Australian Councillors

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Talks about Akshaya Tritiya

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HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 2 May 1987, Evening before Sahasrara Puja, Thredbo, Australia

“Had a very nice Puja in Pune which I had to perform on the thirteenth because it is the date called Akshaya Tritiya, means undestructible third day of the moon. That’s actually nobody knew, but it is the Puja of the Kundalini. That day everybody felt very, very clear. Very clear. Puja was hardly for about half an hour, the real Puja of the Kundalini. But everybody felt extremely clear and beautiful. So, that sort of puja we should do tomorrow also, if possible, so that we’ll have the feelings of Sahastrara completely opened out because even if Sahastrara is opened, the rest of the chakras, if they are caught up then you have problems. It’s better to clear out all the chakras and then the Sahastrara. So, tomorrow we’ll do the Puja in that fashion and I hope it will work out very well for all of you.”
HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 2 May 1987, Evening before Sahasrara Puja, Thredbo, Australia

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“Because she was a granddaughter of Sarawathi Rane and all that, we thought, let’s call her. So she came for the program in Poona. It was a puja, I think?
Yogi: Akshay Tritya.
Shri Mataji: Akshay Tritya. That’s the day, when – I mean it is regarded as the most auspicious day to start anything. And she came to sing very ordinary. Beginning she started Yaman Raga in a very ordinary way. But her grandmother was there, and her mother was there and they sent with her a very well known harmonium player, who used to play with the mother also, to support her. About ten minutes she was just, I mean, just a mediocre player. And just her Kundalini rose after that, just like a big explosion it was. And when that took place, you see, immediately she became something else. And she went into such superlatives from this time to that end, to this end to that end. You see, she is such a little girl. Even the harmonium fellow couldn’t understand her. He was supposed to give her suggestions, so he got. So she also realized, so she said, “All right, whatever I am singing you play, don’t suggest it.” And went on and on. And she surpassed her mother, her grandmother, her great-grandfather and all the musicians of India. She sung so well, you can’t imagine.”
HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 6 October 1988, Talk with Yogis about music, photographs and false gurus, Gleissenfeld, Austria