Sahaja Yoga Australia

Wamuran Puja Hall nears completion

Jai Shri Mataji!

Dear Family,

We wish you all a happy Shri Ganesha Jayanti!

On this special day, we give thanks and praise to our Lord Shri Ganesha. It’s a lovely day to share an update regarding our National Project for the Wamuran Puja Hall Redevelopment.

It is only through the blessings of Her Holiness Shri Mataji and Her Divine Child Shri Ganesha that such projects are able to be completed.

The Queensland Collective is really excited to share this great moment in our Australian Sahaja history as the Puja Hall nears its completion. In their words it’s a time to share with our family who have supported us throughout the years.  Those that have been involved in this project have all grown on so many levels. What an experience to have experienced!

The Wamuran Puja Hall Project expanded after the initial concept and proposal of renovating the existing building being the original Shed that was located on the property and had been well loved for many years. The Project broadened to build a brand new purpose built Hall. As you can see from the images shared, the construction of the Wamuran Puja Hall Project is nearing a successful completion.

(Click to enlarge & Google map)

Excitement is building as the new Wamuran Puja Hall is rising from the ground and is taking shape nestled in its beautiful natural surrounding at Wamuran.  The new Hall will soon be ready to host the  Queensland collective as their Puja Hall .

At this time, we wish to acknowledge and whole heartedly thank the Yogi team  for all their efforts in leading and delivering this Project.

The new  Wamuran Puja Hall wil soon support and become a focus of our Queensland Sahaja community, and for visiting Yogis as we all come to embrace and use our new Puja Hall on our shared  Sahaja spiritual journey.

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HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Talk to Yogis Wamuran Qld (at the Site of new the Puja Hall) 13th April 1994

We wish to thank the Australian collective for your goodwill, generous support and financial donations. Thankyou to everyone for your generous support without which this Project would not have been possible.
Again, thank you to the Australian collective for everything that you do in support of Sahaja Yoga and our collective Projects.
Lyn and Andre on behalf of your Australian Councillors and Trustees