Sahaja Yoga Australia

Mahasamadhi Day – Saturday 23rd February at Burwood Ashram

Dear Family

Saturday 23rd February is the 8th anniversary of  the Mahasamadhi of our beloved Mother and the Redeemer of mankind HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.   

So that all Her children can visit Her home to offer prayers and thank Her for all Her blessings and unending love, HH Shri Mataji’s Burwood Temple will be open all day for offering flowers, prayers and silent meditation.

Yogis are requested to spread visiting times throughout the day and not only in the evening.

There will be no collective program on Saturday 23rd February.

“O Devi!  Please let Thy Divine Love fill each and every cell of our being so that our individual identity gets dissolved in the Ocean of Thy Love!”

Jai Shri Mataji!

NSW Councillors