Sahaja Yoga Australia

Havan and Shri Mahakali Puja at Balmoral – Saturday 30th January 2021

Dear Yogis,
Jai Shri Mataji!

By the Grace of Shri Mataji, we are looking forward to meeting at Balmoral to worship our Holy Mother in Her aspect of Shri Mahakali on Saturday, 30th January at 2 pm

(Photo HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – This photo has been described both as an aspect of Shri Hanuman and Shri Mahakali-Bhairava)

Havan’s and Pujas will be held around the world during this coming weekend.  The havan and puja will be offered to remove all negatvities preventing yogis from meeting collectively, COVID and all negativities affecting our ascent as well as the spreading of Sahaja Yoga. Yogis who cannot join the puja and havan at Balmoral can join the Cabella Puja online at

Puja roster groups are as follows:

  • Havan Setup & Dismantle: Hibiscus
  • Puja Setup: Mogra
  • Puja Dismantle: Rose
  • Cooking: Iris
  • Washing up: Lilac

Not sure which roster group you’re in? Check here.

Puja meal

A collective meal will be offered as part of the program. As a precaution it is advised that:

  • Those cooking and serving food should wear a face mask and gloves to minimise contact with the food being cooked and served; 
  • Disposable plates and cutlery will be used; 
  • There should be no self-serving due to risk of the spread of potential virus.

Before you attend…

  • All yogis (including children) intending to attend the Havan and Puja must pre-register using the blue link below. 
  • Please arrive early to allow ample time to register at the desk and settle down for Puja (this is in addition to pre-registering online).
  • Find out more about downloading the COVID app and how to use it for registration here.

When you arrive at Balmoral…

  • Visit the registration desk upon entering to ensure that we have you listed for the event (this is a government requirement).  This applies even if you have pre-registered online.  Details on how to scan the QR barcode using the COVID app at Balmoral are here or ask at the desk;
  • Get your temperature checked at the registration desk (contactless).  Anyone who is displaying any symptoms or has a temperature over 37.5°C by law cannot be permitted to enter and will be asked to go home, along with their family members;
  • Clean your hands with hand sanitiser provided at the registration desk;
  • Always maintain social distancing of 1.5 metres.

Please note…

  • The Government allows 300 yogis to attend the Puja, however the hall can accommodate 150 yogis only according to the social distancing rule. Once the 150 spots (marked by “X”) inside the hall are filled, yogis will need to sit outside on the grass areas adjacent to the ladies area and at the rear of the hall.
  • The Balmoral Remediation Project is ongoing and there are aspects of our property that remain a building site and will be cordoned off for our safety. It is recommended that children be under adult supervision at all times.
  • It is important for all yogis attending Christmas Puja to become familiar with the requirements for taking part in this COVID Safe event by going through the safety guidelines here.

We really do appreciate the efforts of all yogis in keeping everyone safe. Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns.

We hope you all enjoy a wonderful Havan and Puja in Balmoral!

With Love,
NSW Councillors

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