Sahaja Yoga Australia

Celebrating Shri Mataji’s Birthday – Sharing the news with Australian & Worldwide Seekers

Dear Family,
Jai Shri Mataji!
Today we have shared the news of Shri Mataji’s Birthday with seekers in Australia & around the World – here is a compilation of our public announcements.
Please share with your family and friends…

The Australian Newspaper – 21st March 2019

The Australian national newspaper with a readership of 453,000 people – Page 7 (Click to download)


Special Birthday website page

News section of our National Sahaja Yoga websites

Email to the 11,500 seekers on our new people’s database.

Social media – news and video. Pls share with your social network!!!


HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Birthday Message 21 March 2019.

HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Birthday Message 21 March 2019.

Meditation enjoyed Worldwide (1min : 10secs)
(Download and share video)

Happy Birthday Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

Lyn and Andre on behalf of the Australian Council