Sahaja Yoga Australia

9th Night of Navaratri – Maha Navami, Monday 7th October

Dear Family,

Jai Shri Mataji!

O Mother Devi, You who are Amba, we pray that You give us the real personality of a Sahaja Yogi and humbly request You enrich our left side with Shradha (enlightened faith) and give us peace.

We would like to offer the Talk below by our Divine Mother – Navaratri Puja. Cabella, 8 October 2000 – “This left side is a very, very important thing for all the human beings.”

Andre and Lyn and your Australian Councillors

HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi  – Shri Kalki Puja 7 February 1985, Bordi India

“This left side is a very, very important thing for all the human beings.”

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HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Navaratri Puja. Cabella, 8 October 2000.

“Today we are going to worship the Devi, called as Amba, and by many other names. She is the last, we should say, the “residual power”. When She has done everything, She becomes the Kundalini and settles in the triangular bone of yours. This is the Mooladhar Chakra. But actually She is expressed more on the left side, because, that time, She is purely the Amba.

This left side is a very, very important thing for all the human beings. If you have no left side, you cannot balance yourself, to begin with. And it is said that She gives you a real personality of a Sahaja Yogi. That is, your left side, if it is weak, then you have to worship Her, and request Her that: “Please enrich our left side.” By enriching your left side, what She does, She is a comforter, so what does She give you? First of all, She makes you rest. It’s said that She makes you rest. That is, She makes you sleep.
If you are too much thinking about future and you are so much indulging into the futuristic planning, you have some problems. But the best thing is, if you can sleep, then it is a great comfort, it is a very great comfort to you, that you can sleep and that you can take some rest. Without Her, you cannot sleep: absence of Her, you cannot sleep. So sleeping is a very important function of the body, which is brought forth by the left side. That’s why we worship Her, because She should give us rest.

She’s the One who gives you peace. She’s the one who gives you also illusions, called as Bhranti. She gives you all the artistic talents, She protects you. But this part, that She is creating illusions for you, that’s very, very important. Because those people who are against Divine, who are trying to be away from the reality, She creates illusions for them. So She separates you from those people. While you know the reality and all such people, who are troubling or trying to destroy Her work – She is the one who creates illusions. She is the one who resides as the Kundalini. So we can say that part of Her is the Kundalini, but another part that She has is the one which resides in the left side.”

HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Navaratri Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 8 October 2000.

Full Transcript, Video & Audio